Job Advertising

Job Advertising

Are your job advertisements being seen by the right people?

JOB2SEA has an extensive network and our reach is global, directed towards seafarers and maritime professionals, making us the ideal venue for advertising for both ashore and at sea.

We have users all over the world, in more than 180 countries! The majority of our users are however from Northern Europe and United States and within Europe primarily from Denmark, UK, Poland, Sweden and Norway.

Job advertisements will be published within 24 hours and applications can be directed to your website, your HR Management system or directly to your email.

All applicants with matching skills and qualifications for open positions are contacted directly by JOB2SEA.

Price: DKK 3.000,-

- Price is all-inclusive and on a per month basis.        

- Posting on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

- Publishing within 24 hours

- Applicants directed to your website or email address.

- Job alerts sent to jobseekers matching the qualifications.

- Posting on our front page at

To advertise a job vacancy please contact: or +45 32 82 00 30